Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Tuesday - March 29, 2011

teens to train as “equality” activists and votes for kids.

Drew posted on the EEOC and had a some comments that could well apply here.  Although I must say, the present govt. promises to make changes and I really think they might well do that. I don’t see how they could avoid it as it’s not just public awareness which is high, but the papers and the public making some loud noises on the subject.  In other words, there are to be some serious cuts due to the new budget, and many who get benefits now will find them reduced soon.
Also, these damn quangos will, the people are told, be abolished or more tightly controlled.  Yeah well ... time will tell but people do hope.
Meanwhile, if what Drew wrote about is conducive to ulcers, take a look at this.

Home Secretary vows to tame equality body branded a £60m flop

By Steve Doughty

The £60million-a-year state equality watchdog is a costly failure whose spending and powers must be drastically cut back, ministers declared yesterday.
A savagely critical report said the Equality and Human Rights Commission has ‘struggled’ to do its job, while providing low quality work and poor value for money.

It has given away £10million a year in grants to equality groups without knowing where much of the money has gone.
The Commission has also run an advice helpline that helped just 73 people in a year – at a cost of £5,000 each.

Documents released yesterday spelled out the reason – ministers fear that EHRC chief Trevor Phillips will fight cutbacks in the courts at a cost to taxpayers of £70,000 for each legal challenge if they do not restrict the Commission’s powers with a new law.
The EHRC has been at the centre of constant controversy since it began operations in 2007.
Senior officials and commissioners have walked out in squabbles between different minority groups and rows over the way it is run.

Tough: Theresa May said the commission could face financial penalties if it failed to spend taxpayers’ money wisely
Whitehall has refused to endorse its accounts for three consecutive years, and Mr Phillips’ management methods have been criticised.


These are some of the ways the Equality and Human Rights Commission spent money, funding ‘strategic grants’ and ‘promoting diversity’.

· Grant to the British Institute of Human Rights, a pressure group which has urged the use of human rights rules to fight state spending cuts: £258,319.

· Grant to Children’s Rights Alliance for England, a body pressing for votes for children, compulsory sex education and a ban on smacking: £200,000.

· Young Brits at Art. Awards for artists who illustrated equality concerns: cost unknown.

· Grant to Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange. Organisation for gypsies and travellers ‘who live in Leeds: £150,000.

· Our Space. Camp in the Lake District for a hundred 14 and 15-year-olds, in which teenagers were trained to be equality activists: cost unknown.

· Grant to Runnymede Trust. A race equality pressure group, which was led by Trevor Phillips from 1993 to 1998: £210,000.

· Mediation advice helpline. It gave advice to 73 people at a cost of £5,000 each. A similar state-run operation, the National Mediation Helpline, has a price guide that sets the maximum cost of a single case at £850.


If this kind of crap isn’t done away with, Brits who haven’t yet kissed their country goodbye may well consider doing so. And things btw are getting much worse as a senior judge has determined that ... Euro court rulings ARE the law here as well.  Can anyone still spell, s o v e r i g n t y?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/29/2011 at 11:16 AM   
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We’re All Special Now

This Could Come In Handi

Millions of Americans may be disabled and not even know it, according to some legal experts.

That’s because sweeping new regulations from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission offer new guidelines on the issue of how to define “disability” under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Attorney Condon McGlothlen says the new regulations could have a profound impact on that debate.

“Before, perhaps 40 million people were covered by the ADA. That number will increase significantly,” McGlothlen told Fox News. “Some people might even say that a majority of Americans are covered as disabled under the law.”

Although the new regulations cannot classify any condition as a disability per se, there is a list of maladies that will be viewed that way “in virtually all cases.” The list includes: autism, diabetes, epilepsy and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Overall, lawyers for employers say the regulations shift the burden of proof in disability claims.

They say that employers will now have to show why a worker doesn’t require special accommodations, rather than employees proving that the measures are merited.

“It’s going to be very difficult for employers to argue in just about any case that an employee is exaggerating their disability or that the person isn’t genuinely disabled,” McGlothlen said.
Barring congressional intervention, the new regulations will take effect May 24.

imageIsn’t this wonderful? Each of us has their own handicap that employers will have to allow for. Let’s hope that the EEOC quickly writes some new hiring rules as well, so those of us with these newly perceived disabilities can have a level playing field in the job market.

Personally, all I’m asking for is one of those blue tags for my car. Yeah, I want a disabled parking sticker. They hand them out like candy already anyway; it seems to me that just about every retired or nearly retired person in the state has one. As do the overweight, etc. Back in the long ago, when these things first appeared, retail parking lots would have 2 or 3 oversize spaces by the front door set up for them, and most of the time those spaces sat empty. Now the entire front row is all blue tags. I watch those customers and check out their cars when I go to the store. It’s actually very rare that I EVER see a car with hand controls, an actual “handi-van” (not the PC term sorry) or see those drivers using a walker or even a cane. The entire thing is bogus. I knew a kid in college - a big brawny football player - who went off to school with grandma’s car, specifically so he could use her blue tag and get the most convenient parking spots. And he was never called on it, not once.

I can’t wait until that same kind of widespread abuse that we all turn a blind eye to starts in the workplace. Because the real truth in most jobs is that these people, just like blacks, are held to a much lower performance standard. They are not criticized anywhere near as often, and are the last to be let go when layoff time comes around. For those of us not blessed with membership in the corporate insider’s club and a do-nothing upper middle management 6 figure income job, it’s the only kind of job security out there anymore.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/29/2011 at 07:28 AM   
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calendar   Monday - March 28, 2011

The feral underclass is reaching critical mass in certain areas of the UK.

Drew’s most recent Crowder post reminded me of this.  Like the school bully, these little shits will continue till someone stops some of them. But what a world is in the making.

The feral underclass is reaching critical mass in certain areas of the UK, this is clearly one of them. This is a depressing story of course, but imagine what these little animals will be like in 5,10,15 years time? Totally uncivilised, uneducated and uneducatable, unskilled and unemployable. Nothing to do all day but take drugs, get drunk, commit crime and impregnate/get pregnant so perpetuating the problem. The politically manufactured “perfect storm” is almost upon us, this is what 60 years of ever- increasing welfare dependency, failing schools, broken families, increasing promiscuity, (the “Permissive society") and cultural Marxism has brought us.
- Paul Mac, Hull,

Postmen stop delivering to inner-city estate after attacks from children as young as six

Postmen have been stopped from delivering to a Leeds housing estate because they have been attacked repeatedly by thugs as young as six.

The inner city estate has become a no-go zone after a postwoman had bottles and stones thrown at her.

Royal Mail said it was unhappy with the situation on the Scott Hall estate and have suspended all Saturday deliveries and during the school holidays.

Tony Watson, a 55-year-old grandfather who lives there, said: ‘It’s got to the stage where people can’t put their bins out as they are trashed.  The kids throw stones at each other and are often out until 10pm at night.

‘Some are very small - as young as six or seven.’

Another resident who did not want to be named said: ‘It’s a war zone. I’ve seen a postman being taunted and he looked scared.

‘Although some of the children are very young they are usually big in numbers and it must be very intimidating to be walking alone,’ they told The Express.

‘The postmen have no idea if they are going to be mugged for the mail they are carrying. These kids can do as they please. Their parents just open the front door and push them out, then sit at home drinking and taking drugs. It’s inevitable they are going to get up to bother.’

read more

and just like the idiots in the Crowder video who thought the chubby kid was wrong to defend himself, anyone smacking one of these feral beasties in self defense would most likely be cautioned if not arrested, and made to attend an anger management class.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/28/2011 at 11:07 AM   
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An Unchanging Truth

“The Roman Republic fell, not because of the ambition of Caesar or Augustus, but because it had already long ceased to be in any real sense a republic at all.  When the sturdy Roman plebeian, who lived by his own labor, who voted without reward according to his own convictions, and who with his fellows formed in war the terrible Roman legion, had been changed into an idle creature who craved nothing in life save the gratification of a thirst for vapid excitement, who was fed by the state, and who directly or indirectly sold his vote to the highest bidder, then the end of the republic was at hand, and nothing could save it.  The laws were the same as they had been, but the people behind the laws had changed, and so the laws counted for nothing.”

Theodore Roosevelt


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/28/2011 at 09:58 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - March 27, 2011

thugs take over london,use paint and ammonia against police

What a way to start a Sunday morning. Can’t be helped. You have to see this. Wait. That’s isn’t correct. You don’t “have” to do anything, but you ought to to check this out. I’m certain by now you’ve seen some of it on TV in the states. The authorities here just do not understand or are perhaps helpless to avoid this kind of thing.  I am referring of course to the London riots of yesterday. 

There was warning by the so called anarchists that they were going to bring hell to London. They publicly said so days before.
They are nothing but vandals and criminals allowed to run riot.
There’s a very brief video here and lots of still shots that are better.  All the papers are full of it. I am not posting an entire article. Just a few lines and a headline.
However, I am posting a letter written to the Mail concerning a column in their Dec.13,2010 issue.
Many here will not agree with my take on how to handle this outrageous problem. But unless the police are given arms and the permission to use deadly force, the thugs will continue as they always do, to play the taxpayer and the police as patsies, not worthy of any consideration.

Police struggle to control hard-core anarchist rioters after 500,000-strong London march against government cuts ends in violence


Last updated at 8:37 AM on 27th March 2011


214 arrests after extremists hijack anti-government cuts demonstration

84 people injured - and at least 31 police officers hurt on day of violence

Ritz hotel attacked with paint and smokebombs and 1,000 occupy Fortnum & Mason

Protesters surge along Piccadilly, Regent Street and Oxford Street forcing shops to close

Lightbulbs filled with ammonia hurled at police officers

Over 200 people were arrested as extremists brought violent chaos to central London yesterday after hijacking the much-heralded trade union protest against public spending cuts.

A massive clear-up operation was underway this morning after trouble continued to flare late into the night as hundreds of people clashed with officers in Trafalgar Square.

Police confirmed 214 people were in custody and there had been 84 reported injuries during the protests. At least 31 police were hurt with 11 of them requiring hospital treatment.


My answer to a question put in a column by the Mail’s Janet Street Porter.

Dec. 14, 2010

Dear Miss Porter,
In your excellent column of December 13, 2010, you asked a question which may have been only rhetorical but I’d like to answer it anyway.  You asked, “When will the police learn to tackle anarchy in the UK?”
My answer to that is, NEVER!

You can not fight terrorism or street rioting young thugs with human rights legislation. You fight it with ferocity and deadly force. Otherwise, the bad guys continue doing what they’ve been doing which is, playing the open system in the west, against itself.  (fast forward to March 26, 2011. Mustard Gas would have been a good reply to the street criminals)

The problem really is that there is no serious deterrent. (see above) There isn’t any penalty those rioting punks are fearful of.
Can you just imagine a mob rioting in Germany of the 30’s?  Of course not. Why? Because aside from the support of the people, anyone who even thought riot, thought it only once and knew the price that might be paid.  In other words, there were consequences.  Deadly ones, and rightly so.

Water cannon and tear gas and rubber bullets are silly. Once they dry off or clean the eyes or recover from the boo-boos caused by rubber bullets, the thugs come back.
However … real bullets or flame throwers and bingo. Problem solved.

Some will say yes but that will radicalise the youth to commit further outrages.

Well, lets give that some thought. Maybe not. Not if they understand that it might not be just their lives forfeit, but possibly family members as well.  And lets not forget that as reported in the Mail and Telegraph as well, many of the rioters came from foreign countries and weren’t students at all. There is even one group as reported in the Daily Mail, who have connections world wide and go out causing havoc in other countries.  Till recently, I think few of us had ever heard of them. But the police know who they are and so do the various intel services. So the question is, why aren’t they dead?  These life forms are a dangerous cancer. It wouldn’t be at all like killing humans. Think of it as a delousing operation.

Bottom line.  The police might only have to kill perhaps 500 to a thousand rioting trouble makers for others to finally get the message.  Really peaceful protests? No problem.  Start setting fires, throwing things at the police and causing mayhem will bring about the sudden end of their very un-necessary breathing.
Rioting street yobs are mostly bullies anyway, and they do what they do simply because they know they can. 

I can’t recall exactly who said it, I tend to think Napoleon only because before he became head of state of France, and while still a Capt. of artillery, he faced a rioting mob and turned his cannon on them. Boom. End of riot. Anyway, the quote was, “The only way in which to handle a mob, is to exterminate it.” Seems logical to me.

Not so today due to the weepy eyed, hand wringing, bleeding hearts on the left, who seem to have successfully hijacked the criminal system in most western countries.
So look for things to get much worse. Sadly.  Which reminds me of a quote from a great American.

“You can get further with a kind word and a gun, then you will with a kind word alone.” Al Capone

Oh, I almost forgot. 
You mentioned Viet Nam and the protests at that time. I was always curious as to why so many foreigners thought our (USA) foreign policy right or wrong, was any of their business.

I recall an interview with General Giap I saw on the History Channel some time ago. Many years ago in fact.  In that interview, he clearly stated that the riots and protests on the streets of America were of great help. His people relied on the disruption caused by the protesters in the USA.  And of course Jane Fonda didn’t help matters any either. I always wondered how she managed to avoid getting herself shot. As in dead. Oh well, all in the past. The fact is, our armed forces had to contend with fighting with one hand tied behind a back that already had a knife in it.

Too bad we had no Napoleon to turn the cannon on that crowd of lice infested scum.

Most Sincerely,
JD Peiper

Update.  March 27, 2011-03-27

Police struggle to control hard-core anarchist rioters

Last updated at 8:37 AM on 27th March 2011

Was I right about more and worse or what?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/27/2011 at 04:13 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - March 13, 2011


Only days ago I posted a story about the sex ed. for 5 year olds with explicit book of instructions to be used in schools.

Some of you commented and I can tell you that many folks here are outraged. BUT .....

The really big story followed by all the papers to exhaustion, is about Prince Andrew and his dealings and his past friendship with an American billionaire, who served time (13 months) we are told, for procuring underage girls, having affairs with minors. Gets sticky cos while 17 was not legal in one state it’s to have taken place in, it isn’t illegal in another. But grooming young under age girls is certainly illegal everywhere.  So that’s the short story.
Now then, every day and boy do I mean every single damn day, there is the same tired photo of the Prince, who happens to be the chief trade envoy for his country, and about who there is no suggestion that he enjoyed sex with any girls while a guest of the rich friend, had hi photo taken with a 17 yr old blonde.
At her request. She has stated that she wanted the pix to send her mom. She says there was nothing between her and Pr.Andrew. But she condemns her former older boyfriend for his immorality in taking advantage of her. 

None of the above is the subject of this post.  I’m not bringing that up cos I think it’s an interesting story. Actually, it isn’t.
My reason for mentioning it is because, while that has been playing out every day the week, as in all 7 ov em, there’s about a half page follow up story about kiddies and sex ed at age five.  Which HAS NOT been worked over every day. Till today with this story.  The people who work on behalf of and are activists for homosexuals, won’t rest until everyone either becomes them, or at least thinks it’s perfectly normal to prefer same sex relationships.
But here’s another step in the drive to normalization of the absurd and the weird.

Little boys as cheerleaders with pom-poms AND ... in dresses. Perfectly normal behavior for children say the fags.

See for yourself and a reminder, not much outrage detected so far, a few of the more conservative writers naturally look askance , but unless the papers are hiding something, there seem to be few letters to editors condemning this sickness.  So far.

Government-funded advice pack for schools recommends lessons in cheerleading and wearing dresses - for boys aged five


Children as young as five should learn about gay relationships in schools and boys should be allowed to express their feminine sides by dressing in frocks or becoming cheerleaders, according to a Government-funded initiative.

In a training pack sent to staff in primary schools, teachers are urged to ‘celebrate difference’ by using books such as King And King, a story about a fairytale prince who kisses and marries another prince.

Posters in the pack, including one entitled Different Families Same Love, show families with two mothers or two fathers, and a DVD quotes a teacher saying children should learn to be ‘resilient’ to the values of their parents if they disagree over gay issues.

The new pack was created by the gay rights organisation Stonewall with the help of a £25,000 grant from the Government’s teacher training body, the Training and Development Agency for Schools.

Schools and local authorities are urged to use the material to demonstrate they are complying with the Equality Act 2010, which obliges public bodies to promote equality.

But Christian campaigners said the teacher training pack represented a fresh assault on traditional morality and was ‘radical social engineering’. One Church of England vicar and school governor who has seen the material branded it as ‘indoctrination’.

The new row follows the furore last week over explicit sex education lessons being recommended by local councils for primary schools.

Disturbing: Critics say the programme teaches children to resist the values of their parents

The ‘Celebrating Difference: Challenging Homophobia In Primary Schools’ pack calls on schools to include lesbian, gay and bisexual issues in the curriculum, ‘for example talking about civil partnerships as well as marriage’.

It calls on teachers to challenge children who use the word ‘gay’ as an insult, even though they are too young to be aware of its real meaning.

Schools are urged to discuss books in the classroom such as And Tango Makes Three, about two ‘gay’ penguins, and Spacegirl Pukes, about a girl brought up by lesbians.

The 30-minute DVD in the pack includes video clips from teachers who provide ‘best practice’ tips from their own experience that can be used in other schools.

In one clip, the head of a primary school in Kent says: ‘Our school is a safe environment and it’s a secure environment for the children that we teach and we nurture.

‘But we can’t guarantee that when they leave that nurturing environment, that their parents, their grandparents and their neighbours are going to hold the same values as we do.

‘And that’s why we need to make sure our children are resilient and proud and assertive so that their generation will actually change.’

One teacher in a school in Cambridge said that a group of boys last year wanted to wear ‘dressing-up dresses’ during role-play in the classroom.

‘They really loved wearing the dressing-up dresses and it went on for several weeks,’ she said.

‘And so when some of the other boys said, “Why are they wearing the dresses? They shouldn’t be wearing the dresses”, I just said, “No, that’s fine – if they want to wear the dresses, that’s up to them”.’

Also speaking on the DVD, the head of the same school praised boys who joined the school’s cheerleading club.

He said: ‘We’ve got boys with the pompoms doing the dance, you know, and I think that is absolutely wonderful because not only are they there saying “actually, this is fine, I can be who I am and do this without anybody laughing and teasing me”, but that is a wonderful role model.’

But the Reverend George Curry, vicar of St Paul’s in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and a governor of its CofE school, said: ‘This pack is designed to get schools to adopt such a strong pro-homosexual attitude it will ultimately exclude everyone who believes a homosexual lifestyle to be immoral. It is a form of indoctrination.’

He said he would not like any Church of England school to use the material and added: ‘This is not a good use of Government money.’

The Christian Institute’s Mike Judge said: ‘Tax-paying parents expect a decent education for their little ones. Getting young boys to dress in frocks and join the cheerleading team isn’t what they have in mind.

‘But perhaps the most disturbing thing is teaching children to resist the values of their parents and grandparents.

‘This is radical social engineering dressed up as a glossy anti-bullying campaign.’

The Training and Development Agency for Schools said the pack was sent to schools that had asked for support on gay issues.

Stonewall said the material was aimed at teachers, not children.


Not aimed at kids? Then at who?
Reminds me of AH who once said, “I begin with the young. We older ones are used up but my magnificent youngsters! Are there finer ones anywhere in the world?”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/13/2011 at 02:06 PM   
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Frak. I’m Frakking you. Frak

Fellow BMEWSd, this was sent to me by an old girlfriend.

Wow! You know, when we were dating she didn’t even like D&D! The scary part? I almost married her!


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 03/13/2011 at 01:30 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - March 02, 2011

‘infected’ by Christian moral views” and prisoners asked how they like their stay.

OK, Back to serious bmews business .... like this.

Well it isn’t as tho it doesn’t happen in the USA as well.  I just wonder if it’s as badly hidden away.  I don’t see American papers, but I see USA sites and don’t see this kind of reportage. Maybe we’re smarter in America? 
I doubt readers here will believe that.
I’m still trying to figure out why this country sends kazillions in aid to India, a country that has their own space program.  Oh right.  Funded by who I wonder? Now that btw, India, has a huge number of billionaires.  Some damn smart folks there.

This isn’t about India anyway. I just happen to think of it again in relation to monies taken out of the Brit economy and spent elsewhere.

There’s a headline in the Mail this morning that says billions are being given to corrupt countries. Well I never. Really?  How long has that been going on?

An economist, the late Lord Bauer is credited with the following.

“Aid to third world governments is taking money from the poor in rich countries,
to give to the rich in poor countries.”

Want proof of that?

Take a look.

UK billions for corrupt countries as aid budget targets ‘fragile states’

Britain is to pour billions of pounds of aid into the world’s most corrupt countries in a bid to tackle poverty, terrorism and illegal immigration.
International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell yesterday announced the results of a review of the aid budget – and revealed future funding will be focused on helping so-called ‘fragile states’.

But the beneficiaries will include many of the world’s most corrupt countries, raising fears that much of the money may never reach those it is intended for.
The biggest single recipient will be the failed African state of Somalia, which has been riven by civil war for years and is rated as the most corrupt nation on earth.

British aid to Somalia will soar by 207 per cent to £250million over the next four years, despite the state not having had a functioning government for two decades.

Other winners include Burma, ranked as the world’s second most corrupt regime, which will see its funding rise by 81 per cent to £185million over the same period, and Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, which will receive a 36 per cent increase in funding from the UK, receiving £353million over four years.

Yemen, which many observers describe as a failed state, will benefit from an 80 per cent increase to £305million.
Pakistan, which is blighted by corruption, will be given a 112 per cent increase and is on course to become the biggest single recipient of British aid, receiving £446million a year from taxpayers by 2015.


Pretty bad huh?  To be plainly and brutally honest with readers let me say yet again.
I don’t much care if any of those sub species starve. I don’t much care if they kill each other by whatever means. Not my business. In fact, the more of them that buy the farm, the fewer we have to support.  Are Somalis for example, anything to worry about, besides piracy?  And that could be dealt with by a govt. with the balls to consider the ‘G’ word, in the case of Somalia.  Or ‘N’ for Nuke. Which might equal ‘G’ so all would end well imo.

But this post is more about stupid spending and here a great example of bonehead spending of the citizen’s money.  Not that the spenders care a bean.

Have a look.  You might even laugh at this one.  Or perhaps not.

This won’t take long: £500,000 survey to ask prisoners if they like their life behind bars


Prison chiefs are to spend almost half a million pounds quizzing prisoners about their quality of life.

Inmates at almost half of the country’s jails will be asked if they feel looked after and how well they get on with prison officers.

They will be questioned on their washing facilities, whether they are allowed enough time on the telephone and if they sleep well.

The Ministry of Justice is to press ahead with the survey, an annual exercise since 2002, despite massive cuts to the departmental budget. It is expected to cost taxpayers an astonishing £449,000 – a 6 per cent rise on the 2010 cost.
The news comes as Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke faces the wrath of Tory right-wingers outraged at his plans to save cash by slashing the number of prison places by 3,000.

He wants greater use of community punishments in place of jail sentences.
His opponents say this will allow more offenders out on the streets and lead to more crime.

Details of the Measuring the Quality of Prison Life survey were released under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
Academics will question around 6,000 inmates at nearly half of the 138 jails in England and Wales.
The survey is in addition to regular checks carried out under the £3.6million prisons inspection regime.
Cushy enough? Ministry of Justice are continuing with the survey despite the cost - and cuts to the department budget

Each jail also has an independent monitoring board comprising members of the public who can enter sites without permission to check prisoners are not being mistreated.

Inmates will answer 128 questions, indicating how much they agree or disagree with a series of statements.

These include ‘Personally, I get on well with the officers on my wing’, ‘I am treated as a person of value in this prison’ and ‘This prison is good at placing trust in prisoners’.

Other questions will cover whether inmates have opportunities to relax and ‘be themselves’.

Prisoners are even asked if their stay ‘feels like a punishment’.


You couldn’t make all this up. And you surely wouldn’t dream of this one.

Click on it for the whole story. 

During the case, the Equality and Human Rights Commission argued that children risk being ‘infected’ by Christian moral views.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/02/2011 at 11:50 AM   
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calendar   Friday - February 25, 2011

apparently one your “human rights” is to not pay your rent if we follow the european court

Well how’s this for some nerve. And the woman is only 23 but .... I guess she’s entitled.

You’ll recall a story last week about squatters. This is only different because she isn’t a foreigner. BUT ... ah. There’s always a BUT. Isn’t there?
The foreigner in these cases is a court sitting outside this country.  The Conservatives here are trying to undo things but (again) it is gonna be an uphill struggle.

Once you compromise on your sovereignty for any reason whatever, it’s all downhill from there.  Thank heaven and Misters Smith & Wesson and Colt that when it’s Americas turn, we’ll have more then words to fire back at those who will try and compromise our sovereignty. And if you don’t believe it’s in the process now, then you’ve been asleep for awhile. Wake Up! 

I borrowed this cartoon from Vilmar’s site cos it sure fit our story here.


Woman on benefits owing £3,500 rent can’t be evicted: New European human rights ruling could lead to thousands of tenants refusing to pay
By James Slack

Evicting a woman from her council home for failing to pay rent would breach her human rights, judges ruled yesterday.
Town Hall chiefs wanted to evict Rebecca Powell, who receives thousands of pounds in benefits, after she ran up more than £3,500 in arrears on the accommodation she was given because she was homeless.

But the Supreme Court said that – under the controversial European Convention on Human Rights – this would be a breach of the right to ‘respect for a person’s home’.

Council leaders and the Government had fought the case and fear it may now be harder to evict thousands of council tenants who fall into arrears.
Legal experts said there was an increasing ‘trend’ for tenants – including ‘neighbours from hell’ – to use human rights law to thwart eviction.

Passing yesterday’s judgment, Lord Hope made it clear the ruling had its origins in Strasbourg. He said the ‘time had come to accept and apply the jurisprudence of the European court’.

The ruling brought fresh demands for reform of Labour’s Human Rights Act, which enshrines the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law, and of the unelected Strasbourg court.

It comes in the wake of cases saying that prisoners must be entitled to vote and that paedophiles can apply to be taken off the Sex Offender Register.
Last night Tory MP Philip Davies said: ‘It seems to me that the courts always find in favour of the human rights of people who are doing something wrong. We have got to change that balance, it is getting completely out of hand.

‘What about the human rights of the landlord to get their rent, what about the human rights of the taxpayer?’
Miss Powell, now 23, was given a home in Cranford, West London, by Hounslow Council in April 2007. By June the following year Miss Powell, who lives with her partner and four children, owed the council more than £3,500.

She was entitled to around £15,000 a year in housing benefit which could have covered the payments, but had not applied for it properly.
Eviction proceedings began but were halted when Miss Powell appealed under the Human Rights Act. At one stage the council moved the family out in order to renovate the home at taxpayers’ expense, then moved them back in.

Yesterday, Lord Hope and Lord Phillips ruled that the council had not considered whether it was ‘proportionate’ to evict Miss Powell and ordered that the eviction be quashed.

Hounslow Council, anticipating defeat, has offered her ‘suitable alternative accommodation’ and she has never been without a home.
Judges will have to consider the ruling when looking at similar cases involving people who would otherwise be homeless.
Miss Powell has agreed to clear her arrears of £3,536.39 at £5 per week, or sooner if she can.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/25/2011 at 07:01 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEUro-peonsJudges-Courts-Lawyers •  
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calendar   Tuesday - February 22, 2011

english homes are certainly not their castles and squatters win for now, with taxpayer monies

This isn’t a surprise but it is pretty damn maddening not to mention upside down freekin stupid.
What surprises me more then anything in the years I have been here and read about this kind of thing, is that so far as I am aware, not one home owner has found a gun and gone after these opportunistic foreign mother ******s.  Not a one. Zero.
I don’t know how they do it and survive. I mean the home owners.  It would surely drive me to the very logical conclusion, that I’d have to kill the intruders if it was at all possible. I’d leave none alive to sue and take my chances as they come.

This is the result of liberalism in it’s extreme. Human rights in its extreme, and a country that refuses to protect itself from these abuses.
How do ppl come to this pass?  Is this sort of thing embedded in English history?  Is it part of their culture? What?  I don’t understand.
You own the property. You pay taxes (presumably) and support law and order, you think.  But the cops who might like to help cos they too understand how unfair and stupid it is, are themselves tied to a law of some kind that allows this bullshit.

If a country tolerates this kind of thing then the citizens have to expect more of the same because unless it’s fought it only encourages others.
And to think .... these freeloading bastards are in property they have no right to, and remain there for now with the compliments of;

THE ENGLISH TAXPAYER, which of course includes the taxpaying owner of the property.

Here ... take a look. Again.

Foreign squatters given legal aid to fight eviction from £1million house… as its British owner has to represent himself in court


Squatters who broke into and occupied a £1million house have been given hundreds of pounds of taxpayers’ money in legal aid to fight eviction.

The intruders from France, Spain and Poland have been living in the three-storey five-bedroom townhouse for a month.

Meanwhile, owner John Hamilton-Brown has been forced to rent a two-bedroom flat for his family while he battles to get the gang out of the house.
Neighbours said the property had just been sold when the 12 squatters broke in during the early hours of the morning after a window was forced open.
Since then there has been more damage and endless parties – several of which have culminated in the police being called.

Yesterday, some of the squatters danced, waved flags, sang and played the guitar outside the property. They also bragged about how easy Britain’s laws were in allowing them to take over homes.

A French man who called himself Jean-Claude, said: ‘I came to England seven years ago because this is where the love is.
‘We will speak to other people from all over the world to come here and live because it is so easy. Why can’t we live anywhere we want?’

A French girl with blonde dreadlocked hair added: ‘I love it here. We move around where we want and share our love. You should see the views in there – it’s amazing.’

Mr Hamilton-Brown, 36, applied to the county court last week to seek an interim possession order to enable him to claim the house back.
He did not hire a solicitor because of the expense.

But when he arrived at Clerkenwell and Shoreditch County Court, in East London, he was amazed to find that two of the squatters had been granted legal aid and were represented by a duty solicitor.

Because they were EU citizens and unemployed, they qualified for free legal representation.
Mr Hamilton-Brown had already been to the court four times since his home was invaded on January 21

At Thursday’s hearing, he was not granted the interim order that would have let him remove the squatters within 24 hours because of a legal technicality.
He was granted a possession order – meaning he will now have to wait up to six weeks for a warrant that will allow bailiffs to remove them.

‘I was horrified they were given legal representation,’ Mr Hamilton-Brown said. ‘As I work and pay taxes, I’m at a disadvantage.
‘I’ve saved up for ten years to move into this house and this is what I get. It’s remarkable that they can get away with this.’

Mr Hamilton-Brown, a married father of two young daughters who is a director of a financial services company, added that neighbours had indicated that a lot of damage had been done to the property.

The house in Archway, North London, is near the homes of actress Patsy Kensit and comedian Rob Brydon.

A legal notice put in the front window by the squatters states that anybody who enters without their permission could face six months in jail and a £5,000 fine.
A neighbour said: ‘They have more rights than we do.

‘They know what they’re doing on the legal side of things as they’ve been in houses before in the area.’

a legal technicality?  what kind of technicality? the property is his. oh yeah? says who? not this totally miserable fucked up legal system.

squatter source


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/22/2011 at 01:54 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEJudges-Courts-LawyersJustice - LACK OF •  
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calendar   Saturday - February 19, 2011

The US of A is going to the dogs.

Homeowners associations suck. Seriously suck. If you’ve ever read a news article about some patriotic veteran whose HOA is fining him for flying the American flag you know what I mean. Personally I would never buy a home in such a neighborhood. If I did, I would NOT sign any HOA agreements. It’s my property.

So it’s with some glee that I read about a HOA in Annandale, VA. They held elections for the new president of the HOA. They elected a bitch. They are not happy about it.

This past election, to make the meeting move faster, only the names and qualifications of the candidates were announced. Running for president, Ms. Beatha Lee was described as a relatively new resident, interested in neighborhood activities and the outdoors, and who had experience in Maine overseeing an estate of 26 acres.

Though unfamiliar with Lee’s name, the crowd of about 50 raised their hands, assuming that the candidate was a civic-minded newcomer. These days, it’s hard to get anyone to volunteer to devote the time needed to serve as an officer. The slate that Lee headed was unanimously elected. Everyone ate ice cream, watched a karate demonstration and went home.

Only weeks later did many discover that their new president was, in fact, a dog.

Read the article here.

She is, in fact, a “… a shaggy, dirty-white Wheaten terrier.” Owned by the former president.

Guess she won’t fine you. She’ll just bite your ankles! grin

(I used the Outstanding Achievement tag because how often has a dog been elected president of anything?)


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 02/19/2011 at 09:07 AM   
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calendar   Friday - February 18, 2011

How far the Brits have fallen

Not fair to title this post so. Peiper’s been chronicling the constantly accelerating decline of the former British Empire for a few years now. I only post this one because I’ve read of the same thing being done here in the soon-to-be-formerly-free US of A.

Read the story here.

A MOTHER who left her son of 14 to mind his three-year-old brother while she went to the shops was given a police caution for “cruelty” and was suspended from work.

Last night the case ignited a debate over when it is acceptable for parents to briefly leave older siblings home alone as carers.

Police found that the un-named healthcare assistant left the brothers alone together for just 30 minutes.

Thirty minutes. In the late ‘60’s, when I was 8 or 9, I was routinely left caring for my younger sisters, not just for thirty minutes, but for the evening while Mom and Dad went dancing, or playing bridge, or something. (when I was older, some family friends dropped hints of more salacious escapades. I really don’t care.) My point is I was left in ‘charge’ for the evening. I always a phone number to call my parents. I always had neighbors to run to if I needed to. And, my youngest sister no longer needed her diaper changed. I’d done that too, but I was never left in charge back then. Mom thought it was a good idea. Indeed it was, because when I was 12, I started making money by babysitting.

She left her 14-yr-old in charge for thirty minutes.

Let me show you how far the Brits/English have fallen in this case. Let’s go back to 1346…

In 1346 the English won a great victory over the French at the battle of Crecy. The leader of the English/Brit forces? The Black Prince, Edward, Prince of Wales, born in 1330.

Do the math. A 16-yr-old is allowed to lead the army, but a 14-yr-old can’t watch his baby brother for half an hour?

I do fear that the decline of the Brits are going to drag the rest of the West with them.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 02/18/2011 at 06:31 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - February 15, 2011

hell’s bells and buckets part two?  Apologies never end. a nation of apologists…

So help me I do NOT go looking for this silly stuff.  It gets to a point where it begins to be funny, and you wonder what next grouping of words or phrase will be the newest thing to offend.

Take a look.

Glenn Hoddle apologises for Chinese jibe in latest Sky Sports gaffe


Glenn Hoddle has apologised for the inappropriate ‘joke’ he made as he provided co-commentary during Monday night’s clash between Fulham and Chelsea.
The former England manager embarrassed employers Sky after he responded to the sight of Fernando Torres squandering a goalscoring opportunity in the 0-0 draw.

During the encounter, Twitter was swamped with reaction to Hoddle jokingly comparing Chelsea’s out-of-form £50million signing to the ‘Chinese player Knee Shin Toe’.
‘I can only apologise to those who took offence,’ Hoddle said today. ‘There’s no excuse. It’s an old football expression and I understand I can’t say things like that.’
Hoddle was employed as a replacement for the disgraced Andy Gray, who was sacked by the broadcaster last month for sexist remarks.

Hoddle caused a major storm when he gave an interview in 1999, claiming that the disabled are being punished for something in a previous life.
‘You and I have been physically given two hands and two legs and half-decent brains,’ he said. ‘Some people have not been born like that for a reason. The karma is working from another lifetime. I have nothing to hide about that. It is not only people with disabilities. What you sow, you have to reap.’
Tony Blair, then the Prime Minister, was among those who heavily criticised Hoddle and the FA responded by sacking him soon afterwards.


Here’s what a few Brits had to say.

What a joke that he has had to apologise. What is this world coming to? He made a lighthearted comment, with no menace or venom, just a lighthearted comment and yet some people take offence? Christ, what the hell is wrong with people nowadays. Everyone has become ridiculously sensitive and it seems people are just out to get everyone and anyone. No wonder we’ll end up extinct.
- Nick , London,

This country is going down hill so fast, we will never ever get back to being great again. That we have people who can find offence in this, is an embarrassment. It’s scary the way the pc left wing are slowly destroying even our sense of humour, along with everything else. We can’t say this, we can’t do that, and we are fighting to bring democracy and free speech to Afghanistan, telling Egypt it has to become a modern open democracy. Let’s start at home.
- Jim, Carlisle Cumbria.

We need to line up all the pc nutters against a wall and restore sanity and common sense to society.
- HAL, Coventry


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/15/2011 at 05:33 PM   
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wilder extremes of political correctness.

I suppose there will be Christian ministers as well as other denominations, who would happily conduct a religious marriage ceremony for a same sex couple, as they would see nothing wrong with it.  But I wonder what might happen if a couple wanted a Catholic ceremony in the church because they really were practising Catholics who happen to believe the church is simply mistaken about same sex marriage.

Woo-hoo. I can’t wait for the first same sex couple who think they’re muslims and insist on a mosque marriage. Now that is something that just will not happen, no matter what law or opinion held sway.

I’m inventing something with that, that may well never happen. Although ….
On the other hand … if a couple of the same sex could get all bothered and have their feelings hurt by the refusal of a B&B to host them, and successfully sue, I can see a lawyer taking a case to sue God as well.
We do live in world turned upside down.

Melanie Phillips thinks so too.

Pinch yourself! A Tory (Consv) Prime Minister is upholding the idea that traditional morality is bigotry


On countless occasions, David Cameron has declared that he is a tremendous fan of the institution of marriage. So big a fan, it now becomes clear, that he generously intends to bestow its status and privileges far beyond what most people consider marriage actually to be.
Time and again, the Tory leader has used his promise to strengthen marriage so as to reassure people that he was fully committed to defending this core value of conservatism.
Now, however, it is becoming all too plain that he is signing up instead to the wilder extremes of political correctness.

Indeed, he is planning to go further than even New Labour dared to tread. Eat your heart out Harriet Harman, patron saint of equality!
For it was revealed yesterday that ministers are planning to change the law to allow homosexual couples to ‘marry’ in religious ceremonies, including in church.
Gay partnership ceremonies in other venues will also be allowed for the first time to contain a religious element, such as hymns or readings from the Bible. These unions will then be called ‘marriage’.
For sure, this change doesn’t force religious institutions to introduce such ceremonies; whether they do so is up to them.

But the Government’s position is anything but neutral. For it implicitly endorses the idea that there is nothing wrong with overturning centuries of Biblical understanding of the sacrament of marriage as the union of a man and a woman. As such, the Government will be cutting the ground from under the feet of religious traditionalists.
And what if churches refuse to conduct such a travesty of a marriage ceremony? Presumably, they would then risk being sued for ‘discrimination’.
Truly, we are fast reaching the stage where upholding Biblical sexual standards will become the morality that dare not speak its name.
Once again, we have to wonder at the way in which a politically motivated faction within a tiny minority of the population — for many gay people do not approve of this ideological gay rights agenda — is now running public policy.


Just so you know.
Melanie Phillips is a very conservative and deeply religious lady, without being preachy about it. She also happens to be a very good word smith.
It was a treat to see her on Fox news when we visited home last summer.

A month or so ago she wrote in her column that the people (homosexuals) who themselves were the target of persecution, were now doing the same to anyone who dared question them or who dared be critical of them.  She sited the example of the B&B owners, who became the target of abuse in the extreme and described their behavior as the fascist activity they were labeling others with.

She then became a target of the most outrageous and hateful calls and mail which she said, surprised her in their volume. Ppl were wishing cancer on her, there were even threats to her life.  All because she wrote that the owners of that B&B were being ill treated due to their religious beliefs. If you use the link here, you can read some of foul unreasoning things aimed at her.

Look for this headline:
MELANIE PHILLIPS: The calls for me to be killed this week prove the bedrock values of our society are in danger 30/01/11

Take a look at that to see how things are and how much control a small number of “activists” can generate.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/15/2011 at 09:54 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEGay Gay Gay!UK •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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